Soul ReIntegration Series: The Terrain I’ve Traveled Triptych

(I) Three of Wands / The Tower; (II) Temperance / The Star;

(III) The High Priestess / The Empress

Colored pencil and acrylic paint on black paper

12” x 9”


This piece is inspired by Zakia's collaborative work with Soil Generation and their forthcoming publication, Soul ReIntegration: An Artistic Self Exploration & Healing Journey Curriculum Guidebook. Zakia engaged in her personal ritual of tarot to depict the transformative chapters of her career in response to Prompt #1, “The Terrain I’ve Traveled.” Reflecting on her journey from 2017 to 2023, Zakia identified three distinct chapters and selected two tarot cards per chapter to encapsulate the essence of each era's environment and impact on her life. Each piece blurs the line between reality and mysticism, weaving together Zakia’s lived experiences with tarot archetypes.


She Came to Free Me 25” x 25” oil and acrylic on canvas 2024


Nudes Series (I, II, III) 9" x 12" colored pencil on black paper 2022